Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer Demands Fair Compensation for Victims    

Glendale firm represents Californians who have suffered catastrophic head injuries

The brain is the repository of every conscious and subconscious feature that makes a person a unique individual. When the brain is damaged, the loss can be immense and incalculable. At Geragos Law Group in Glendale, we attorneys often represent Southern California accident victims who have sustained brain injuries. We understand the depths of their needs and seek full compensation to address every aspect of the harm they’ve endured. If you or a loved one has sustained a brain injury due to someone’s negligence, we’re ready to fight for your rights.

Types of brain injuries

Science categorizes brain injuries according to their particular causes, such as:

  • Traumatic brain injury — A traumatic brain injury (TBI) occurs due to a violent impact, such as blunt force, concussive force, penetration by a foreign object or severe shaking. These injuries are commonly caused by auto accidents, contact sports, falls, workplace accidents and assaults.
  • Acquired brain injury — In some cases, brain tissue is damaged not by a singular event, but by disease or a decline in health, often due to age.
  • Anoxic brain injury — Here, brain cells die because the victim is deprived of oxygen. This injury is linked to near-drownings, anesthesia errors during surgery and birth injuries when doctors mishandle labor and delivery.

Brain injuries are also categorized by severity as follows:

  • Mild — Victims of mild brain injuries might experience a moment of unconsciousness. Other possible effects include vomiting or nausea, blurry vision problems, foggy thinking, headaches, dizziness or vertigo, sleep difficulty, sensitivity to light and/or sound, anxiety, irritability, trouble controlling emotions, fatigue, tinnitus and brief memory loss. Symptoms usually clear up on their own in a couple of weeks with adequate rest.
  • Moderate — After a moderate brain injury, the victim could be unconscious for between 30 minutes and 24 hours. These individuals could experience a range of symptoms listed above, but with greater severity. Headaches worsen and/or persist. Victims might suffer seizures or convulsions, weakness in the extremities, difficulty waking, slurred speech, and loss of coordination. Memory loss can last from 24 hours to seven days.
  • Severe — The most severe type of brain injury involves a loss of consciousness for more than 24 hours, usually combined with other severe symptoms, such as memory loss lasting more than seven days.  

Doctors can detect brain injury using CT scans, MRIs, and neurological exams. Treatments include medication, rest, rehabilitation and surgery. Long-term consequences of a moderate to severe brain injury include cognitive and emotional difficulties, as well as motor coordination and speech problems. Persistent symptoms can weigh heavily on a patient, making gainful employment impossible and assistance with personal care necessary.

Personal injury damages for traumatic brain injury

Traumatic brain injury can be a disabling condition, robbing the victim of their quality of life. If someone else’s negligent, reckless or deliberate behavior caused that injury, the victim deserves full compensation. Damages for TBI can include:

  • Payment of current and future medical bills
  • Payment for ongoing rehabilitation, counseling, and personal care
  • Reimbursement for current and future lost income
  • Compensation for pain and suffering
  • Compensation for loss of quality of life, loss of enjoyment of life and loss of consortium
  • Payment for home renovations to accommodate a disability

If you or a loved one seeks compensation for a severe brain injury, you should select a personal injury lawyer who is capable of managing high-stakes litigation and delivering the results you deserve.

Contact a Glendale lawyer for a free consultation about a traumatic brain injury claim

Geragos Law Group in Glendale offers aggressive, skillful legal representation to accident victims who have sustained brain injuries throughout Southern California. To schedule a free consultation, call 888-999-4828 or contact our office online.